
HB 729 | Alternative Payment Method for Medicaid-Covered Prescription Drugs

HB 729 | Alternative Payment Method for Medicaid-Covered Prescription Drugs

Montana rations lifesaving drugs. Other states do not. That’s a fact. This bill would have worked to remedy that moral failing by saving the state money in purchasing these drugs. It would not have cost anything more than what we already spend. Louisiana does this (with the blessing of the Trump administration, no less).

HB 571 | Protect the Privacy of Patients’ Medical Data

HB 571 | Protect the Privacy of Patients’ Medical Data

Patient’s medical data is being merged with other metadata to create “health risk scores” that can be used to discriminate against patients’ right to access to medical care.  This bill put sideboards on the practice and required medical professionals to notify patients when third-party data was utilized.